My boyfriend and I have been going out for two and a half years. Our relationship has lasted longer than any of our friends’ relationships ever have. That just means that we’re the cutest couple of our friend group by default doesn’t it?
Some people call us “the old married couple” of our group. They’re just jealous because we’re cuter than they ever will be in a relationship. So what if we have a tendency to fight over stupid things? Our fights only last like five minutes and end in some kind of casual conversation or weird laughing fit. Typically we fight over things like which Mario Kart character is the best and whether or not my obsessions with Friends and The OC and his obsessions with Sobe and Reese’s are healthy. But these fights are cute and just make us an interesting couple.
And who cares if I enjoy cooking him dinner and the setting the table for the two us? I don’t mind cleaning up and doing the dishes either even if we’re at his house. He helps clean up, too, so it’s not like I’m doing it all by myself.
When we go out to eat I’s normally either to Bertucci’s or Town Spa. If it’s Town Spa we both get a cheese pizza and split an order of mozzarella sticks. If it’s Bertucci’s I get the four-cheese ravioli with just butter. He gets a bowl of fettuccine with butter. Four our drinks I get a sprite and he gets a Shirley temple no matter where we go. Just because we’re somewhat predictable doesn’t make us an “old married couple”.
We also do plenty of cute things that not many other people do which just makes them jealous that they aren’t as close and cute as we are. He has this constant need to lick my face when I’m not paying attention. I’m not afraid to burp in front of him. I’m comfortable enough to burp in his general direction without even bothering to say excuse me.
Sometimes he feels the need to fling me on his back and flail about. He always has to make sure that everyone is watching. He calls this “sexy rodeo”. To me there is nothing sexy or rodeo-like about it. If anything it should be called “spastic idiot”. If someone has never seen this done before he must show it to them immediately. With or without my consent. If this doesn’t prove how cute of a couple we are I don’t know what will.